Media Preparation and Filling Videography

Ziebaq is happy to offer a full line of cutting-edge Automated Media Preparation systems, from small benchtop models to big pilot-scale floor models made by the best companies in the business.

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Ziebaq is happy to offer a full line of cutting-edge Automated Media Preparation systems, from small benchtop models to big pilot-scale floor models made by the best companies in the business. Some automatic media preparers, like nutrient media preparers and sterilizers, have been fine-tuned to do the following: preparation, cleaning, and liquid fills for agar culture media, peptone water, buffer solutions, and other sterile liquid media.

Our line of media preparers and cleaning equipment that sits on a bench offer cutting-edge technology. Every BioTool device comes with a touch screen for settings. It has menus with clear directions, so the user doesn't need a tutorial and learning how to use it is quick and easy. The automatic media preparation system is ready to use before cleaning starts because it can diagnose itself. All automatic systems for getting media ready can work in batches or continuously with little downtime. Our new line of automated media preparation tools can make up to 15 litres of simple or complicated agar mixtures with added vitamins and blood.

How To Make Microbial Culture Media?

Following the manufacturer's directions is the best way to prepare media from commercial formulas that have been dried out. We change the amounts of basic ingredients like peptones, yeast extracts, agar, stabilizing substances, and medicines to make the medium consistent. Dissolving the right amount of dried medium or individual ingredients in distilled water requires constant shaking and, if needed, heating. For agar media, it is important to soak it well and stir it regularly before heating it. The pH needs to be changed, and the medium needs to be put into the right containers to be sterilized in an autoclave using wet heat. It is possible to clean things sensitive to heat, like proteins and enzymes, with membrane screens.

Keeping culture media at certain temperatures and for no longer than the product's shelf life is necessary to keep the ingredients from changing. It is important to prepare and store culture media to keep microbes from getting into them. Wrapping that doesn't let water through and storing at five °C ± 3 °C can help keep water loss to a minimum. Protecting something from light, heat, and drying out can slow down chemical breakdowns like rust or antibiotic loss.

What the Media Preparators series does well?

  • Fully automatic features let lab workers leave to do other things, which speeds up work and lowers the cost of labour.
  • More even consistency and flow without the user having to watch over it all the time.
  • Better safety for lab workers because they don't have to handle big tubs of hot agar.
  • Allows the lab to meet all of its own media needs, no matter the number

Frequently Asked Questions ?

Our special magnetic rack system lets you unload and reload the PS200 automatic agar filler while running. It can hold up to 200 dishes at once. At its fastest, it could handle about 800 items per hour.

The PC10 media preparer can make up to 9 L of media. The PC20 media preparer can make up to 16L of media.

The Biotool PS900 and PS20 systems use robotic plates that are 90 to 100 mm thick and angled. Please send one set of your plates so the experts can make any necessary changes to the system before sending it to your lab.

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