Cleanroom Planning

Metrology and nanoscale fabrication skills are important for companies and schools to conduct top-notch research in a wide range of fields, from material sciences to biomedical engineering.

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Metrology and nanoscale fabrication skills are important for companies and schools to conduct top-notch research in a wide range of fields, from material sciences to biomedical engineering. Cleanrooms have a big effect on the length and cost of lab projects. Ziebaq specializes in building and running high-performance cleanrooms, which ensures that projects are finished quickly and correctly.

A cleanroom that works well depends on careful planning and spending. Ziebaq has completed cleanroom projects and provided cleanroom services for many businesses in the UK and worldwide. Our in-house team of experienced cleanroom engineers plans your cleanroom to meet your goals and industry standards.

Including a cleanroom professional in the planning process from the start is very important. Even though you may have some background information, the project can only succeed with people with experience working on it. The engineers and designers at Ziebaq will make a high-level functional setting based on things like ISO classification, lithography, and program area.

Our team of skilled engineers will ensure your cleanroom project stays on track from the start. We will give you the right amount of help whether this is your first cleanroom project or you have done much work in cleanrooms before.

Modular Cleanroom Benefits

  • Modular Construction 
  • Quick Assembly 
  • Time Versatility 
  • Reconfiguration 
  • Airflow Control 
  • Inexpensive Modifications

Cleanroom Planning and Budgeting Process

Ziebaq has successfully developed, built, and used modular cleanrooms in several different industries. Your cleanroom will meet certain needs set by your company or industry. Thanks to our planning process, our engineers can create the best cleanroom for your needs and budget.

  • Cleanroom Design, Build & Validation
  • Budgeting and planning
  • Full Certification of our product
  • Industry-specific equipment installation
  • Validation
  • Engineering, design & layout
  • Airflow and filtration design
  • Construction and Installation
  • Site Audit

The first step is to check out the page. Our engineers do a full site visit to determine what you need, check for contamination problems, and evaluate the location for space utilization. Our project managers and engineers work together with you to find the best modular cleanroom option without giving you too many details. There are no hidden costs when you get a thorough estimate from Ziebaq's planning and budgeting teams.

Planning for Economic Completion

Costs go down when you plan in detail. It would help if you had a plan for big projects that stays the same and looks ahead. Planning considers how easy it is for production to grow or change its range. At Ziebaq, our cleanroom experts give you a full plan for your cleanroom and specific steps for building it.

Modular Cleanroom Services

  • Design & Build
  • Training & Support
  • Discounted Service Contracts
  • Remedial Works
  • DOP Testing
  • Analyse Demand
  • Free Site Survey
  • Free Design Service
  • Cleanroom Planning
  • Construction and Installation
  • CNC Engineered
  • Panel Repairs
  • Alterations
  • BMS Management
  • Cleanroom Certification
  • Differential Pressure Qualification
  • Servicing Testing Validation
  • Smoke Testing

Analyse Demand

Considering the expected running costs and the costs of buying new technology is important when setting up a cleanroom. The size of your cleanroom will be just right to meet your needs without taking up too much space or resources. The modular form of cleanrooms makes it easy to change and add to them, which is important if you want to increase production.

Find out about any special needs and cleanroom capabilities.

In addition to temperature, humidity, and the number of particles in the air, modern cleanroom equipment can sense noise, shaking, electromagnetic interference, and electrostatic discharge.

Early decisions about equipment choice affect building location, construction, functions, height, and column spacing. Tools and equipment usually can't be moved into cleanrooms until the building is occupied and testing, commissioning, and certification plans are met. Keeping outside elements out of the cleanroom is necessary before these processes begin.

Cleanroom Features

  • GMP
  • ISO 4-9
  • ISO 14644
  • Air Showers
  • Unidirectional Airflow
  • Desiccator Cabinets
  • Horizontal Flow Wall Modules
  • Horizontal Laminar Flow Clean Benches
  • Laminar Flow Cabinets
  • Laminar Flow Canopy
  • Choose a Ventilation System
  • Low Power Consumption
  • Environmentally Friendly
  • HEPA Filters
  • Air Filtration
  • Fan Filter Units
  • Cleanroom Ceiling System
  • Temperature Control
  • Access Control
  • InterLock Door Systems

Your cleanroom's ISO class will tell you what air system you need. There will be airflow that stops particles from settling and takes as many as possible out of the system from the outside for any purpose. Critical points will be free of particles, and entrances will be open and in a place that doesn't require any adjustments during normal operations. Using air conditioning, Ziebaq keeps the temperature and humidity in the cleanroom steady.

Access Points

For putting on safety gear and balancing the pressure, most cleanrooms have locks that you have to use to get in. This makes sure that the cleanroom gets fewer particles. Locks for materials let materials into a clean area. Ziebaq offers different entry options based on the cleanroom's intended use.

Choose the Construction Method

It is highly recommended that you make a choice early on about how to build the cleanroom. You can choose between pre-manufactured and stick-built delivery. The general contractor oversees the stick-built trades and directs everyone's work to finish the cleanroom build. Ziebaq ensures the project goes well by hiring an experienced contractor to oversee it and ensure it's finished according to the plan and specifications.

After most of the building work and trades, a specialized cleanroom subcontractor from Ziebaq installs the cleanroom using a pre-manufactured method. To ensure the job goes well, our workers are involved in setting performance standards for the cleanroom's design.

Cleanroom Industries/Sectors

  • Research Institutes
  • Universities
  • Healthcare
  • Defence
  • Police
  • Biotech
  • Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
  • Food Manufacture
  • Nanotech
  • Cosmetics

Choosing Protective Clothing for Employees

People who work in a cleanroom can bring in many germs. Putting on the right protective gear lowers this chance. In some situations, a gown is enough, but more complicated protective clothing is needed in harsher settings. For example, ISO 6 and higher require a full-body suit, gloves, shoes, and a face mask.

Additional Steps in the Cleanroom Planning Process

Figuring out whether the cleanroom needs negative or positive pressure

Accessing exfiltration airflow

Taking into account and taking into account industry-specific factors based on experience

Figuring out the power needs for heating and cooling

Planning the layout of the motor system

Choosing how much space to give a movable or modular cleanroom

Making plans for monthly maintenance and cleaning

Types of Cleanrooms

  • Hardwall Cleanrooms
  • Portable Cabin Cleanrooms
  • Modular Cleanrooms
  • Portable Cleanrooms
  • Monobloc Cleanrooms
  • Softwall Cleanrooms

The new version correctly describes Ziebaq's cleanroom services and solutions by following the original format and content structure. This makes sure that the presentation is complete and professional.

Frequently Asked Questions ?

The food, biotech, pharmaceutical, healthcare, and research sectors.

Planning ahead of time saves money and makes sure the job is a success.

Easy to put together, flexible, controllable airflow, and cheap changes.

Do You Have Project in Your Mind?

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