HVAC and Cleanroom Validation

HVAC validation is an important topic to cover to prove that the results it produces are correct. Tests for HVAC validation include measuring airflow speed.

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HVAC validation is an important topic to cover to prove that the results it produces are correct. Tests for HVAC validation include measuring airflow speed, air changes per hour, filter leaks, non-viable particle counts, recovery times, temperature and humidity levels, pressure differences, and airflow patterns with photography. We do the following tests at Ziebaq to ensure clean rooms and zones are clean.

Air Velocity Measurement

We do tests called "Air Velocity Measurement" to find out the average speed and evenness of the airflow across a filter face and through a clean room as a whole.

Filter Integrity Test

We offer full filter quality testing services to people in the pharmaceutical and microelectronics businesses. Depending on the needs of the client building, we can perform the HEPA Filter Integrity Test Poly Alpha Olefin (PAO).

Particle Count Test

Our Particle Count Test gives you a full picture of how clean the airborne particle count is. People do the test to find out the real particle count number in the building at the time of the test.

Temperature and Humidity Test

Temperature and humidity measurements and tests are part of our assurance tests. The general level test ensures that the clean room's HVAC system keeps the temperature and humidity at the right levels for both the comfort of the people who work there and the control of the process temperature.

Pressure Balancing Test

We test industry clean rooms for room pressure balance. This test ensures that a pressure difference meets the standards as part of the validation process.

Recovery Test

This test is done to see if the clean room or clean zone can return to its original cleaning level within a certain amount of time after being introduced to a source of smoke or aerosol particles in the air.

HVAC Validation 

Ziebaq is happy to describe itself as a full-service HVAC company that can make the working and manufacturing areas cleaner and better. To meet the standards of cleanroom technology, our goal is to become a world leader in heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and high-quality cleanroom equipment. We work on projects like HVAC, LAF, and more that align with national standards set by the MHRA, MCA, USFDA, GMP, and WHO. We do this at all stages of production, from the beginning to the end, ensuring that you have complete peace of mind about the quality of all products and services. 

Compressor Air Validation 

How often you use compressed air affects the quality you need. Extremely high-quality air is very important in some fields. We have the right tools to check that compressed air meets the requirements of ISO8573 for Dewpoint, Oil residue, Moisture content, and Particulate Burden. We can also use normal draeger tubes to check the air for minor gases like carbon dioxide and monoxide. For very high quality (Class 1 or higher), we work with testing labs that can check our filter papers for hydrocarbon and live loads. As a company with a lot of experience working in pharmaceutical GMP areas, we can validate systems during the IQ, OQ, and PQ steps. However, we don't just do validation work with compressed air; we can also easily test other neutral gases using the same tools and methods. 

Services Offered for Cleanroom and HVAC Validation

Ziebaq offers Clean Room and Area Validation services with the most up-to-date tools and skilled experts. Our main quality service area provides validation, regulatory, and compliance services for everything from stand-alone automated equipment to the opening, commissioning, and validating of new facilities. 

  • Examinations were carried out in a clean room.
  • How to measure airflow volume flow and figure out air change rate
  • The measurement of wind speed in one direction
  • Checking the quality of the HEPA filter (PAO test)
  • The measurement of room differential pressure
  • Keeping an eye on nonliving flying particles
  • Visualisation of airflow
  • Tests of return from clean-up
  • Keep an eye on temperature and humidity levels and make maps of uniformity.
  • Keeping the air pressure even
  • Applications

We specialise in providing cleanrooms, operating rooms, path labs, research and production spaces, and facilities for pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device customers. In many situations, cleanroom validation or HVAC validation is necessary. The facility's design must fit its intended purpose, and the facility, equipment, and environment must meet User Requirement Specifications, regulatory requirements, and systemic standards.

Our main focus is giving our pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device business customers the best cleanrooms, operating rooms, pathology labs, research and production spaces, and more.

Agreements for Validation and Service Contracts

You can ask us to make a validation agreement that covers your needs for one year or more than one year. To meet HTM03-01 standards, this can include repairing HVAC systems, cleanrooms, and custom clean air tools like air handling units and laminar flow devices. 

With a validation agreement, we can use data from year to year to make suggestions and start a circle of constant growth. It also helps you plan your budget for upkeep and important extra parts. You can also get service contracts for Angstrom Technology sites that cover: 

  • Cleanroom approval every year and every six months
  • Our CTCB-I-qualified team is available by phone 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  • Call-out visit with a set time to arrive
  • Options for longer warranties

We'll work with you to figure out the best amount of help to keep your important process safe.

Contact us 

We at ZIEBAQ offer high-quality services that add value to HVAC Cleanroom validation. Certified cleanrooms must meet a certain level of cleanliness. We do Containment Tests for our clients' clean rooms. The general level test ensures that the clean room's HVAC system keeps the temperature and humidity at the right levels for people to be comfortable. 

The second level, or complete level, test showed that the HVAC systems in the clean room need to keep the temperature and humidity at the right levels for both the comfort of the people working in the room and the control of the process temperature.

Frequently Asked Questions ?

An HVAC system is an important part of any cleanroom. It keeps the room clean to avoid infection.

HVAC ASHRAE standards cover creating systems, ensuring equipment works well, keeping indoor air clean, and saving energy.

The cleanroom project needs a certain amount of airflow, measured in cubic feet per minute (CFM).

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