DOP Testing For Cleanrooms

People try High-Efficiency Particle Air (HEPA) filters by running Dispersed Oil Particles (DOP) through them to see how well they work. Fume hoods, hostile air units, and strong vacuums are just a few industry tools that need these filters

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What is DOP Testing?

People try High-Efficiency Particle Air (HEPA) filters by running Dispersed Oil Particles (DOP) through them to see how well they work. Fume hoods, hostile air units, and strong vacuums are just a few industry tools that need these filters. Because they screen out 99.97% of particles up to 0.3 microns, they are essential for keeping the world and people healthy. This includes asbestos, germs, and hormones, all of which are bad for you.

High-efficiency HEPA filters remove dust and tiny powders from the air, making it cleaner. DOP tests these screens to see if they meet the government standards for how well they work and how efficiently they use power. A measured photometer counts the number of particles in the flow going downstream. The test adds oil as an aerosol to the flow upstream through the filter. One crucial way to keep cleanrooms safe is to use this method to check the whole filter face for any damage or leaks.

Modular Cleanroom Benefits

Building in Parts

The modular cleanrooms' prefabricated parts allow for customisation and quick installation, which gives them great discretion.

Quick Time to Put Together

These cleanrooms are easy to put together quickly, which reduces downtime and speeds up project completion.

Not being rigid

Multiple companies and needs can use modular systems, from electronics to drugs.

Getting ready again

The structure of modular cleanrooms is easy to change, so they can meet the changing needs of the business.

Managing the flow of air

Maintaining a steady airflow in the cleanroom is essential to ensure it always meets all safety standards.

Little changes that don't cost a lot

Changes are more accessible and cheaper than when building traditionally. Changes and additions are inexpensive.

UPLA filters function 99.9995% at 0.12 microns, and HEPA filters 99.99% at 0.3 

Scientists at Ziebaq change filters that don't work as well as they should. Making sure that business operations start up again quickly is what this method does.

Different tests used Di-Octyl Phthalate (DOP). We've picked Poly Alpha Olefin (PAO) because it doesn't cause cancer. Some people use the DOP and PAO tests the same way. You could also use DEHS or paraffin oil.

DOP testing ensures that the case, seals, and joints, as well as all the other parts of the filter, work right. The test shows that the filter works as it should by ensuring that air can flow through it.

Planning, building, and testing a cleanroom

Making a plan and a budget

Planning and spending are essential to building a clean environment that works well.

Planning, designing, and laying out

Engineers ensure that the cleanroom's design meets specific standards for the business and how it works.

Plan for flow of air and filtration

Setting up airflow and filtering devices correctly is crucial for maintaining cleanroom standards.

Putting up and building

A cleanroom must be well-built and set up correctly to work and follow the rules.

Full Certification of the Product

Certification ensures that every part of a cleanroom meets business and government standards.

Setting up equipment for a particular industry

Installation of equipment made just for the business ensures top performance and compliance.

Proof Check

Strict review steps must be followed to ensure the cleanroom works appropriately and meets all the standards.

How often should you check your HEPA gear?

HEPA screens are necessary to clean the air in biotechnology, semiconductor, and prescription drug labs. Some of these screens are curved, which stops particles from getting through. Keeping filters working well means testing them often.

You should look for damage every time you move or shift a HEPA filter. Even if you don't use filters very often, you should check them at least once a year to make sure they stay safe and work well. It's also important to look for damage after changing filters or making big changes like moving tools.

Help with Modular Cleanrooms

Make plans and build

You can change everything about our design and build services to fit the needs of your cleanroom.

Check Out This Site for Free

For free, we'll examine your site to help you determine what you need and make plans based on that.

You can get free design help

Free help with planning. Check to see if the lab has everything the company and genre need.

Making a clean room plan

It took a lot of work to ensure the cleanroom followed all the rules and was ready for its purpose.

Putting up and building

If you want a high-quality cleanroom, you should have pros build and set it up.

Help and training from CNC Engineered

To get the most out of CNC-engineered cleanroom equipment, you need special training and help.

Service plans that save you money

A service contract is a cheap way to get upkeep and help regularly.

Getting Work Done

Services that will take care of the cleaning system and fix any issues.

Panel repairs

Provide repair services for cleanroom panels to keep them in good shape and running correctly.

Any changes

Modify the lab to fit new needs.

Taking care of BMS

They were setting up and running the Building Management System as best as possible.

Proof that a room is clean

To ensure you meet your business's needs, you can use certification services.

How to Qualify for Differential Pressure

For safety reasons, we are checking the difference in pressure in the lab.

Getting help

They ensure cleanroom tools and systems are in good shape through regular repair.


Complete checks are needed to ensure every part of the cleanroom works correctly.

Proof Check

Validation services make sure that the cleanroom meets all the requirements.

Trying to find smoke

Run tests with smoke to find leaks and ensure the lab stays set up.

Checks for DOP

There are DOP tests that check the cleanroom standards and see how well the HEPA screens work.

Tools for testing DOP filters

Light meter for aerosols

Ziebaq tests for DOP quickly and correctly with high-tech digital aerosol photometers that take little time.

Creating Aerosols

With our portable aerosol makers, you can make the aerosol needed for DOP tests with several different filter systems.

When you need to take a DOP test

You should test your HEPA filters before you move or start a new job. Testing the filter every four weeks during ongoing projects ensures it works properly.

Why should you take the DOP test?

Testing with DOP lowers the risk of pollution, maintains the cleanroom certificate, protects the product's quality, and saves time and money.

How are tests for DOP done?

DOP testing follows a strict process that starts with visually checking the HEPA filter equipment for problems. Checking the air supply system helps find the best way to inject the drug. They turn on the equipment and use either a pneumatic or thermal aerosol maker. You can measure the number of aerosols by setting up and connecting an aerosol photometer to the HEPA filters.

A thick cloud of aerosols is added to the airflow, and the photometer looks over the surface of the filter for leaks. The test ensures that the whole filter, including the seals, media, and case, is working properly. Any problems that are found are fixed by changing any broken parts.

Different kinds of clean rooms

Hardwall Cleanrooms

Solid, long-lasting cleanrooms with walls that don't move offer better protection against contamination.

Portable Cleanrooms

Mobile or temporary cleanrooms that are easy to move.

Monobloc Cleanrooms

They integrated sterile systems with parts already assembled so they could be set up quickly.

Softwall Cleanrooms

Cleanrooms that are flexible and have soft walls make it easy to make changes and add on.

Portable Cabin Cleanrooms

There are portable cabin cleanrooms that are modular, movable, and look like cabins. These are great for a variety of needs.

Modular Cleanrooms

Customisable cleanrooms with pre-made parts that are flexible and easy to put together.

Frequently Asked Questions ?

It checks to see if HEPA filters meet government standards and catch a lot of particles.

At least once a year, move or fix something.

PAO is better than regular DOP because it doesn't cause cancer.

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