Cleanrooms Alternations

Ziebaq has a variety of cleanroom designs, each made to fit the needs of a different process or industry. There are different types of cleanroom designs that depend on the needs of your business and how important your processes are. Cleanrooms are important to keep an environment under control and make sure that the level of cleanliness meets the needs of your business.

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Ziebaq has a variety of cleanroom designs, each made to fit the needs of a different process or industry. There are different types of cleanroom designs that depend on the needs of your business and how important your processes are. Cleanrooms are important to keep an environment under control and make sure that the level of cleanliness meets the needs of your business.

Personnel Impact on Cleanroom

Staff can have a big effect on how clean a cleanroom is. Most of the time, contamination comes from skin, hair, or clothing bits. Even though you can't see these tiny particles, they can mess up sensitive processes in the cleanroom. Even when people are wearing cleanroom clothes that keep out germs, there will still be particles in the air. These particles in the air are usually too small and light to settle down quickly, which makes it hard to keep the environment clean.

Cleanroom Airflow Management

There are devices that use laminar airflow to effectively handle particles in the air. These systems move air from the ceiling down to the floor using HEPA filters and a well-designed HVAC system. The cleaned air is then taken out of the room through floor tiles with holes in them. This arrangement works especially well in cleanrooms for production. It is better to use a "bay and chase" plan in research settings where tools are changed often. Using alternating clean and return air spaces in this design makes a unique overlapping "finger" pattern that helps better control contaminants.

Modular cleanrooms have many benefits

Modular Construction: Modular cleanrooms are made so that they can be put together quickly, which makes deployment and setup quick.

Versatility: They can be changed to fit the wants and requirements of many different industries.

Configuration: Modular designs are easy to change so they can fit new needs or ways of doing things.

Airflow Control: Allows accurate control of air quality to keep things clean.

Cheap Changes: As needed, changes and improvements can be made that don't cost a lot of money.

Standards for Cleanroom Design

For businesses that have specific cleanroom needs, following design standards is very important. According to ISO 14644, which sorts cleanrooms by the amount and size of particles in the air, Ziebaq makes sure that they follow the rules. Cleanrooms have HEPA screens that get rid of particles as small as 0.5 microns so that the air stays clean.

Design, Build, Validate Cleanroom

Budgeting and Planning: For a cleanroom job to go well, it's important to do a lot of research on costs and plan ahead.

Engineering, Design, and Layout: To meet every need, we create unique engineering solutions and thorough layout designs.

Airflow and Filtration Design: Making sure that the cleanroom stays in the right conditions by designing effective airflow and filtration systems.

Construction and Installation: Hiring professionals for construction and installation services guarantees the best results and dependability.

Full Certification: Makes sure the cleanroom has all the certifications and standards needed by the business.

Installation of Industry-Specific Equipment: Installation of equipment that meets the needs of your industry so it works best.

Validation: Full validation procedures to make sure the cleanroom meets efficiency and legal requirements.

Single Pass Design

Filtering outside air into the cleanroom and sending it outside is part of the single pass system. This arrangement works well in places where controlling humidity and temperature is not very important. It keeps the air in the cleanroom free of contaminants without the need for complex temperature control systems.

Services for Modular Cleanrooms

Design & Build: We do both the planning and building of your cleanroom, from start to finish.

Free Site Survey: The first site visit is free so that you can plan the cleanroom installation well.

Free Design Service: You can get free design help to make sure the safe fits your needs.

Cleanroom Planning: Careful planning of every part of setting up and running the cleanroom.

Construction and Installation: Professional installation services are needed for the cleanroom to work well.

CNC Engineered: The use of CNC technology to make precise engineering that is both accurate and efficient.

Training and help: Full training and help to make sure that maintenance and operation go smoothly.

Discounted service contracts: For ongoing help and maintenance, you can get service contracts that don't cost a lot.

Remedial Works: Makes repairs and changes as needed to keep the cleanroom working.

Repairing panels: Taking care of and fixing sanitary panels to make sure they keep working well.

Changes: Existing sterile setups are being changed to meet new needs.

BMS Management: Services for building management systems that make control and tracking better.

Cleanroom Certification: Making sure that your cleanroom meets all the rules and requirements for the business.

Differential Pressure Qualification: Checking pressure differences to keep the cleanroom's purity.

Servicing: Cleanroom systems need to be serviced regularly to keep them working at their best.

Testing: The lab will be put through a lot of tests to make sure it works right.

Validation: The cleanroom is checked to make sure it meets all the standards that are needed.

Smoke Testing: Checking for airflow patterns and pollution control to make sure the machine works well.

DOP Testing: Checking the cleanroom's air quality and how well the filters work.

Recirculating Air Design

The recirculating air system uses air handling units to condition the air and low wall returns to pull it out. This design works great in cleanrooms that need to precisely control temperature and humidity, making it a safe place for delicate processes. It helps you keep things under control by keeping the surroundings stable.

Cleanroom Features

GMP: Following the rules for Good Manufacturing Practice.

ISO 4–9: Standards for clean rooms that range from ISO 4 to ISO 9.

ISO 14644: Airborne particle count classification.

Low Power Consumption: Cleanroom ideas that use less electricity.

Environmentally Friendly: The building of cleanrooms uses sustainable methods and materials.

Filters: High-efficiency particle air filters.

Air Filtration: High-tech methods that keep the air clean.

Fan Filter Units: These are air cleaning devices that combine fans and screens to work optimally.

Cleanroom Ceiling System: Made to keep things clean and manage airflow.

Temperature Control: Systems that keep the cleanroom at a comfortable temperature.

Access Control: Limiting who can enter a clean room to keep it clean.

Inter Lock Door Systems: Anti-contamination doors.

Air Showers: Tools that clean people of dirt and other contaminants before they enter a cleanroom.

Unidirectional Airflow: Airflow that is controlled to keep the area clean.

Desiccator Cabinets: Cabinets made to keep things that are sensitive to wetness safe are called desiccator cabinets.

Horizontal Flow Wall Modules: These are modules that let air flow horizontally to keep things clean.

Horizontal Laminar: If you need a clean bench, you can find one in a controlled, clean area.

Laminar Flow Cabinets: Critical airflow cabinets.

Laminar Flow Canopy: Environmentally friendly canopies that keep things clean.

Modular Cleanroom Designs

Mono-block System: Tightly machined metal sheets with powder-coated, smooth sides. This system is great for heavy-duty uses and high-end cleanrooms because it is very durable and well-insulated.
Modular Wall System: Aluminium or glass-framed walls. This method is flexible enough to work in sensitive situations, like when making semiconductors. It's flexible and doesn't cost a lot of money.

Industry/Sector Cleanroom

Ziebaq develops cleanrooms for a wide range of industries, such as

  • Cosmetics
  • Defense
  • Police
  • Research Institutes
  • Universities
  • Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
  • Food Manufacture
  • Nanotechnology
  • Healthcare
  • Biotech

Softwall Cleanroom Modular Building

Softwall cleanrooms are made to be flexible and simple to keep up. Their lightweight, easy-to-assembly parts make them look like tents. This makes them perfect for new businesses or ones that need to grow quickly. You can add extras like dressing rooms and anterooms to softwall cleanrooms to make them your own. Their flexibility makes it easy to move them and change them to fit new ways of making things.

Different kinds of clean rooms

  • Portable Cleanrooms
  • Monobloc Cleanrooms
  • Hardwall Cleanrooms
  • Softwall Cleanrooms
  • Portable Cabin Cleanrooms
  • Modular Cleanrooms

Frequently Asked Questions ?

With modular cleanrooms, you can make changes quickly, in a variety of ways, and without spending a lot of money.

It keeps the temperature and humidity under control, which is important for process control.

A HEPA filter cleans the air by removing particles as small as 0.5 microns.

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